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The arrival of the Tameem delegation 9 A.H.

The arrival of the Tameem delegation 9 A.H.

A group of people from Bani Tameem approached the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) that year to embrace Islam. This was the delegation that included Tameem Ad-Dari, who told the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) about Al-Jassasah animal and the Dajjal. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) then mentioned his story on the pulpit [see: The Authentic Hadiths compiled by Muslim, Hadith on the Chapter on Al-Jassasah].

Delegations continued to come that year to Medinah to announce they had embraced Islam. These delegations were: the Asad delegation, the Uzra delegation, the Bali delegation, Yahnah ibn Rubah delegation, Jarba and Uzrah delegation, Urwa ibn Masoud Al-Thaqafi delegation, Thaqeef delegation in Ramadan, the delegation of the Himiyar, Damam ibn Thalabah delegation, Ad-Daryeen delegation from Lukham, Bahra delegation, Bani Al-Baka delegation, Bani Fazarah delegation, Tha’labah ibn Munqith delegation, Saad Huthaym delegation, Murah delegation, Kilaab delegation, Kenanah delegation and Tajeeb delegation.