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with prophet (peace be upon him) course

with prophet (peace be upon him) course

If Allah wants to do good to a person, He makes him comprehend the religion• Pictorial Rulings)

WithProphet site is pleased to invite you to a course on the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

This is a free course with certificate.

You are able to participate in this intensive course for free

Course Duration : 16 days divided in 16 lesson
Course Procedure : Register online via the provided:- link

join the telegram group via the link Telegram - Apps on Google Play

-Study the course materials.Below are the links for each lesson.

-Take the exam on 20/10/2020.

-We will post the link for the exam our channel on the day of the exam.

- Receive a certificate certificate for completing the course

accredited by the space channel

If you earn a score of 70 or above in the exam, you'll be emailed a certificate.