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What the Orientalists have said about Prophet Muhammad

What the Orientalists have said about Prophet Muhammad

The Spanish orientalist, Jan Lake

Jan Lake Spanish orientalist [It is not possible to describe the life of Muhammed in a better way than how Allah describes him in His saying, We did not send you but as a mercy to the worlds [Surah Al-Anbiya: 107]] [He testified Himself (Glorified is He) that the greatest form of mercy for all the weak and for all those who need help was Muhammed: a true mercy for the orphans, the poor, the wayfarer, the afflicted, the weak, and the workers who carry out hard physical work. I am eager and long to send prayers upon him and those who follow him] [The Arab by Jan Lake]

An Italian orientalist (Laura Veccia Vaglieri)

[Muhammed used to always be particular in abiding by divine principles, especially with regards to those who follow the religions that believe in one God. And he used to know how to be patient with those who worshipped idols, having a very patient manner with them] [Defending Islam by Laura Veccia Vaglieri]

A French orientalist (Gustave Le Bon)

Gustave Le Bon French orientalist [Muhammed had noble manners and profound wisdom. His heart was soften, and he was kind, merciful, truthful and trustworthy] [Religion and Life by Gustave Le Bon] He also said, [If I judge the value of men due to the good work they do, Muhammed would be the greatest one history has ever known. The Western scholars have described Muhammed fairly, even though their religious prejudice has blinded the sight of many historians from recognizing his good qualities] [The Civilization of the Arabs by Gustave Le Bon]

An American orientalist (Washington Irving)

Washington Irving American orientalist [Muhammed was the seal of the Prophets and the greatest Messenger which Allah sent to call people to worship Him (Allah)] [The Life of Muhammed] He also said, [The actions of the Messenger after the liberation of Mecca indicate that he was a Prophet that was sent by Allah, and not a victorious ruler. He was merciful and kind with the people of Mecca, although he was in a stronger position than them at that time. He crowned his success and victory with mercy and forgiveness] [Ibid.] Moreover, he said, [Although the Messenger won a military victory, this victory did not make him proud or arrogant. This is because he used to fight for the benefit of Islam, not for his own benefit. Even at the height of his glory, the Messenger remained simple and humble. He used to dislike people standing up for him when he entered the room or them offering him profuse greetings. His aim was to establish a great nation: the nation that lives by Islam. He used to judge with justice among his nations, and he did not want the rule to be inherited after him by his family] [Ibid.]

A German scholar (Rudi Bart)

[A contemporary German scholar who undertook oriental studies at the University of Heidelberg, and dedicated his life to studying Arabic and Islam] Rudi Bart Contemporary German scholar [From those who enlightened the world was the Arab Prophet who gave us evidence of Allah, and a wise legal code. He was a virtuous Messenger who told and preached to us about the natural innate religion] [Studies in Arabic and Islam in German Universities, p. 15].

A French researcher (Edward Peroi)

A contemporary French researcher and professor at the Sorbonne [Muhammed ibn Abdullah appeared, the Arab Prophet and the seal of all the Prophets, bringing a new religion for the Arabs and all the people, and calling the people to the idea of the One and only God, Allah. Its legislation (which he brought) was no different from its belief and faith; it also, like its belief and faith, enjoyed divine authority. It did not only outline laws for religious matters, but also worldly matters. Zakat was made obligatory for the Muslim as well as struggling against the polytheists and spreading the pure monotheistic religion. When the Arab Prophet died in 632 CE, he had completed his call and the legal system had been completely laid down as well. The social system he laid down was much better than the tribal system which the Arabs followed before Islam, merging the people into one strong unit. In this way, the Arabian Penninsula became one cohesive religious body, forming a union that it never experienced before this] [History of civilizations]

A University professor (Marcel Boisard)

[A Swiss professor who lived more than twelve years in Arab and in particular Muslim countries as a delegate of the International Committee of the Red Cross] Marcel Boisard Swiss professor [Before anything was written about the Islamic Prophet, his life was able to light up history; a life which is known in great detail. The image left behind by Muhammed himself—although it has been purposefully distorted—is so amazing that it can be studied in detail, is also one of the sources of the rules in the religion and illustrates the character of Islam. It protrays clearly the basic ideas in the religion and allows one to appreciate how great Islam is] [Humanism in Islam] He also said, [Historically, Muhammed not only brought a religion, but also established a political system that changed the course of history and later influenced the great spread of Islam] [Ibid.] He also said, [Muhammed was a Prophet and not a social reformer, and his Message appearing in the Arab society at that time produced political changes whose positive effect is still apparent in the Muslim society today] [Ibid.]

A Jewish orientalist (Ignac Goldziher)

[A Hungarian Jewish orientalist who is widely regarded as one of the founders of current Islamic studies in Europe] Ignac Goldziher Jewish orientalist [Historically, the truth is that Muhammed was, without any doubt, the first true reformer among the Arabs] [Belief and laws in Islam] There have been many different sayings and testimonies that describe Prophet Muhammed. What is the proof that supports this statement?