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The young Christian slave Addas and Prophet Muhammad in 10 BH

Addas An-Nasrany embraces Islam - Withprophet

When the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) was recovering from the wounds he received due to the rough response he experienced from the people of Taif, Rabi’ah’s two sons were moved by the Messenger of Allah’s weak state, and so they called their Christian slave, called Addas, and told him, as books about the Messenger of Allah’s biography relate, ‘Take a bunch of grapes and bring them to the man.’ When he gave them to the Messenger of Allah, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, <‘In the Name of Allah,’ as he took some to eat. Addas said, ‘The people of this city do not say such words.’ The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, ‘Where are you from?’ He said, ‘I am a Christian from Neno’a (a city in Iraq).’ The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, ‘Do the people in the city believe in the righteous man, Yunus ibn Matta?’

Addas became surprised, and said to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), amazed at what the Messenger of Allah had said, ‘How do you know about Yunus?’ The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, ‘He is my brother. He was a prophet and I am a prophet.’ Therefore, Addas kissed the Messenger of Allah’s hands and feet. When Addas returned to his masters, they said to him, ‘Woe to you, Addas! Why did you kiss the head, hands and feet of that man?’ He replied, ‘Oh master, there is nothing on earth better than him. He told me something that only a prophet would know’> [The Prophet’s Biography by Ibn Hesham].