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Prophet Muhammad calling the tribes to Islam during the Hajj season in 10 BH

Prophet Muhammad calling tribes to Islam during Hajj in 10 BH

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) returned to Mecca, and his people disagreed with him more and became even further from the true religion. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) used the season of Hajj, and the people coming in roves to the sacred House (Kaaba), to call them to worship Allah, alone, and to tell them he was a prophet sent by Allah (Glorified is He). Maybe one of them would accept his call, and so help and support him after his people had denied him. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) did not leave any of the Arabs who entered Mecca without calling them to Allah. However, whenever the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) presented the news from heaven that he had to them, Quraysh used to stand in wait for him to stop the people from listening to him and his call.

Jabar told us about this, saying, < The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) stayed in Mecca for ten years, calling the people in their gathering places, called Okaas and Majannah, and during the Hajj season at Mina, he used to say, ‘Who will help me? Who will support me in spreading My Lord’s Message, to be [rewarded by living] in paradise?’ [But] even if a man left Yemen or any distant place, the Messenger of Allah’s townsfolk would go to him and warn him, saying, ‘Be careful that the man from Quraysh does not make you doubt [your religion].’ And they used to walk among the visitors, pointing at the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) with their fingers…> [related by Ahmed].

The tribes who the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) talked to include: Kindah tribe, some tribes of Banu Kalb who were called Banu Abdullah, Banu Haneefah, Banu Ameer ibn Sa’sa’h, Muharib ibn Khasafah, Fazaara, Ghusan, Mora, Haneefa, Saleem, Abs, Banu Nadr, Banu Al-Buqaa, Kinda, Kelb, Al-Harith ibn Kaab, Uthra and Al-Hadarima, but none of them accepted his call [Al-Tabaqaat Al-Kobra by Ibn Saad].