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The obligation of Zakah (obligatory alms)

The obligation of Zakah (obligatory alms)

In this same year, Zakah Al-Fitr (food given after Ramadan) became an obligation, and the rules of other forms of Zakah were laid down. The obligation and details of Zakah were laid down in order to reduce the difficulties many of the Muhajareen refugees (Immigrants from Mecca) were experiencing as they were poor and were not able to earn a living.

It has been said that the Messenger (peace be upon him) addressed the people one or two days before the first day of Eid after Ramadan, and ordered them to pay Zakah Al-Fitr. The day after Ramadan, the Messenger (peace be upon him) prayed the Eid Prayer in an open praying area. This was the first Eid Prayer that was performed [The Beginning and the End]. This Prayer which they prayed with the Messenger (peace be upon him) was an amazing sight. It was a Prayer in which their hearts were filled with hope and longing for Allah’s mercy and pleasure, after He had given them so many blessings and supported them in achieving a victory. Allah (Glory be to Him) mentioned this point, saying, {And recall when you were few in numbers and deemed weak in the land, fearful lest people do away with you. Then He provided you refuge, strengthened you with His help, and provided you sustenance with good things that you may be grateful} [Surah Al-Anfal: 26] [Adapted from The Sealed Nectar].